Bacteria in Intestines

Bacteria flourish in the bodies of all animals, and one of the places in the body with the highest concentration of bacterial colonies is the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria in intestines are sometimes referred to as enteric bacteria, and other times may be given the collective name “gut flora,” where the word “gut” refers not just to the intestines, but to the stomach as well.

The word “bacteria” is synonymous with the word “germ,” and many people will assume that all bacteria cause disease. Scientific research proved this premise false, and for some time, it was presumed that some bacteria were neither especially bad nor especially good for the human body. However, more modern research has proven that not only are some bacteria not harmful for the human body, but are actually beneficial for it. Some bacteria can help keep the body’s immune system alert and functioning, while other bacteria actually fight harmful pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria inhabiting the same space. It is thought that some bacteria can also prevent the body from overreacting to antigens, which reduces allergic reactions to substances the body may initially think are allergens but actually are not.

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The by-products of bacterial consumption of fuel within your intestines can help break down the food in your body to allow the body to use it more efficiently, and some bacteria release hormones and even vitamins that are directly beneficial to the host of the bacterial colonization. Bacteria are thought to be very important in metabolic function, including how they react to fatty acids and hormones that affect obesity and the deposits of fat in the body.

There are also pathogenic bacteria, which are the ones that cause disease. Most often these diseases present as stomach upset and other acute gastric discomforts and short-term illnesses, but some bacteria have also been associated with longer term stomach diseases like IBS, colitis, gastritis, ulcers, and even stomach cancer.

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